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Fitness Tips

Living a healthy lifestyle, staying strong and active is a mind-set. Our motto: 'Mind over Matter'. You can achieve anything. Stay strong and focused and with the right guidance you will meet your goal
Larry Flowers

Learn How You Can Get a Flat Stomach After 40

As we age, our metabolism slows down and belly fat becomes more difficult to lose. After 40, it’s much easier to lose muscle mass and water weight than actual fat. For this reason, those of us over 40 have to work a little harder than someone in her 20’s to get a toned stomach. It can be done, though—just ask Cameron Diaz! Here are some proven tips to get a flat stomach after 40.


Tip 1: Modify your dinner menu.


Switch up your dinnertime dining options to include more protein and fewer carbohydrates. Our blackened sockeye salmon with a small green salad is a great example.


Tip 2: Each a diet rich in fiber.


Fiber can help you fight fat, feel more full, and lose weight. Fiber is a component of some carbohydrates that cannot be digested. It pushes through our system and cleans it out along the way. Try a bowl of apple cinnamon oatmeal for breakfast and Skinny Quinoa with Black Beans for dinner.

Larry Flowers

Chest Workout Tips

Chest Workouts

 A variety of resistance exercises can be used to train the pectoralis major muscle.

What is resistance training?  It is the type of exercise that causes the muscles to contract against an external resistance with dumbbells, bands or your own weight.  These exercises when done correctly are expected to help you build up your strength, tone, mass, and/or endurance.

In the bodybuilding world or for more hardcore training, most prefer dumbbells, barbells on bench or free weights.  People interested in just toning should not shy away or be frightened to use free weights.  You may see quicker and/or better results using dumbbells or by weight training.

Exercises for chest workouts include bench pressing (using dumbbells, barbells or machines at various angles such as decline, incline and flat where the hips are above, below and level with the head respectively).  Pushups, flyes (using dumbbells or machines at either flat or inclined angles), cable crossovers or dips are great exercises for pecs, as well.

Larry Flowers

Gym Tips and Motivation


Before beginning any workout or physical activity, it is essential that you consult your physician.  Whether you are in a beginner, intermediate or advance level, it is equally important to set a work out program that includes the following:

  1. Cardiovascular Exercise
  2. Strength Training
  3. Flexibility
  4. Proper Nutrition

Stay focused and stay with your exercise program.  Keep this in mind.

  1. Avoid Plateaus
  2. Take Breaks
  3. Stay Motivated!!

Your motivation is crucial.  Avoid strolling around the gym and taking long breaks in between workouts.  If your goal is to get fit and workout, your key is to stay focused and committed to a program and goal.  This is where it starts for you.

First Step: Commitment.  Focus.  Make no excuses and get to that gym.  You will feel better when you do.  Set a schedule to go 2 to 3 days a week – without fail.  Change your on/off days around, break the monotonous in your schedule.  Whatever works best for you but committing to the 3 days a week.

Larry Flowers

Find the Right Personal Trainer


  How to Find the Right Personal Trainer in North Carolina

NC Personal Trainers

A fitness professional normally called personal trainer or fitness coach is a trained professional fitness trainer or instructor.  The personal trainer is knowledgeable in exercise and training.  A good personal trainer will motivate their clients to set goals and help them meet those goals. Its suggested that before hiring a personal trainer the person should ask about credentials to ensure they are receiving appropriate training and instructions.  A personal trainer will provide proper feedback and accountability to clients.

Before beginning any training session or training plan, a trainer will measure a client's strengths and weaknesses to perform a fitness NC How to find the right personal trainer in North Carolinaassessments. Fitness assessments can also be performed before and after an exercise program to measure a client's improvement.  A qualified personal trainer should let their client know of their area of expertise.  They must refer the client to the proper health professional for prior clearance.

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